imOmics in Action

Revolutionary research on ionic and molecular fluxes and its real-world applications

Tissue-specific respiratory burst oxidase homolog-dependent H2O2 signaling to the plasma membrane H+-ATPase confers potassium uptake and salinity tolerance in Cucurbitaceae

It is expected to cultivate foods with strong salt tolerance through biotechnology. It not only can increase grain output in salinized areas, but it can also expand the available area of planting grains in salinized areas. More saline-alkali land can be used to ultimately increase grain output.

This study investigated how H2O2 signaling regulates K+ uptake in the roots of cucumbers and pumpkins when exposed to salt stress. 

Yuan Huang et al. Tissue-specific respiratory burst oxidase homolog-dependent H2O2 signaling to the plasma membrane H+-ATPase confers potassium uptake and salinity tolerance in Cucurbitaceae, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, 70(20):5879-5893. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erz328.

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